"Jade out of the South Jinsha River, the river was owned by Tengyue, more than two thousand miles away from the state, Zhongduoyu. The people of the Yi people took it, piled out of the river bank, and the coarse ore was obtained. The size was like a cobblestone. I don't know if there is jade. And if the beauty of jade is evil or not, the estimator buys it at will, and transports it to Dali and the province, all of which are used for jade, and the solution is jade, and the land is rich!" ——Qing·Dan Cui's Record of the Book of the Bohai Sea The gambling stone refers to an evaluation of the quality of the weathered orchard jade original stone that has just been mined. Because it is impossible to visually and scientifically conduct the internal structure of the survey, it is only judged by experience and characteristics. The situation is complicated and there are It is said that the gods are difficult to break the jade, the gambling component is relatively large, the risk is also large, and there is a huge gap between the poor and the knife. This kind of trading has a large game component, and experience and luck are indispensable. Immortal The historical origins of the "gambling stone" trade between China, Myanmar and Myanmar-Thailand borders are generally derived from the records in the Qing dynasty "Bohai 虞 志 志", "Jade is from the South Jinsha River, the river is owned by Tengyue, and it is more than two thousand miles away from the state. The people of the Yi people took it out, piled up on the banks of the river, and the rough mines were obtained. The size was like cobblestone. I don’t know if there is jade or jade, or if the jade is free to buy it. It is sold to Dali and Fujian Province. Yufang, the jade of the solution, the richness of the land!" In Myanmar's gambling trade fair, all its unique rules, this is another order of the jade market, half of heaven and half of hell, for those who come to trade, from the rich to the rich, down to the pawn, there is another Fair, in the world of gambling, money is not omnipotent. It is said that the gods are difficult to break the inch, even the most professional jade authority can not be 100% gambling, but this risk is also tested. With the strength of a jade brand company, only companies with strong economic support can persevere in this game, and precipitate in repeated ups and downs, and the better. Crazy buy, crazy sell, and madman waiting Tengchong is another important place for jade trading. Mr. Hong of the Jade Story said that when he first came to Tengchong, it was more than ten years ago. I saw large and small stones randomly placed on the ground, a small stall. The Lord and a pile of stones, twos and threes of people walked between the stalls, quiet, no market noise, but there is an unseen excitement in the silence, yes, everyone who comes to the gambling stone market is full of Dreams and expectations, like Ning Hao, this is a crazy stone, the people who buy it are crazy, the people who sell it are crazy, everyone is carrying a kind of fanatical blood, staring at the unremarkable stone Perhaps this stone is gold in the eyes of gambling people, it is hope. A knife is poor, a knife is rich, and a knife is worn There are a lot of stories about gambling stones. The most talked about in the Jade Story is the story of the first time that the founder Shi Xiangyang bought the gambling stone! That year, Mr. Shi was just a young man who was a fledgling man, hanging out on the jewelry street in Ruili, Yunnan. There are many Indians in the street wearing a sarong, a strong foreign voice, and Burmese people who are passing by to solicit business. The half-baked greetings "Friends! Friends! Jade! Jade!" is full of other temptations, Indians The dark face sparkles with glamorous brilliance, such as a gemstone. Opening the curtain into the store, a piece of black ebony stone broke free from the shiny layers of rags, "Friends! Friends! Open a price!" Indians are more enthusiastic to invite, a green light is shooting at the door The mysterious display of the glare flashlight is almost a golden opportunity for a rich man! Countless bloody thoughts are picked up in the boiling blood! Of course, in the end, this piece of green stone did not become a bucket of gold, but became a lesson of three toothbrush handles. The gambling stone has a knife, a knife, a knife, and a knives. It is not a whimsical collision. Transportation, but it takes years of experience and professional knowledge to judge, and most people who are motivated by the idea of ​​not hoping for the stone are returning hate. Polyester Cloudy Fleece Blanket Flannel Throw Blanket,Single Side Fleece Blanket,Flannel Fleece Bed Blanket,Cheap Fleece Blanket To Middle East Shaoxing Kexin Textile&Carpet Co.,Ltd , https://www.kexintextile.com
The gambling charm of the jade story>