A thousand miles begins with a single step. In the travel, a pair of comfortable outdoor shoes is the most important outdoor equipment. Experienced travelers are usually very demanding about choosing shoes. For most travelers, when choosing outdoor shoes, there are usually some basic concepts, such as waterproof, breathable, anti-slip and anti-slip. For most travelers, the purpose is to travel experience rather than adventure. Therefore, when choosing outdoor shoes, it is critical to ensure that you are comfortable walking outdoors. According to surveys conducted by travelers, the traveler’s mind for comfortable outdoor shoes must meet the following criteria:
1. Good fit. When standing, the soles of the shoes are very natural wrapped feet, no pressure, no crowding, no looseness, no top, no squat, appropriate size, fit and fit, suitable for their feet. So the size of the shoes should be appropriate. After the length of the shoe is worn into the shoe, a finger can be inserted into the heel to the heel. Because the height of each foot is different, the upper does not press the foot properly.
2. Breathable. With enough breathability, your feet will stay dry and feel comfortable. In outdoor sports, the foot bears the full weight of the body and the backpack, supporting the human body to perform all activities, and is one of the areas where the amount of physical activity is greatest. During the journey, after the feet move up, the temperature of the feet will increase rapidly, and the perspiration will increase.
3. Support is good. Makes the wearer feel comfortable, but also better to overcome the distraction of the foot to the surrounding forces. In order to adapt to the outdoor complex terrain and meet the conditions of climbing or hiking under load, outdoor shoes must have good support. In a pair of good outdoor shoes, the upper part usually adopts a compact design. Each part of the upper can be reliably combined with the surface of the foot. This can not only make the wearer feel comfortable, but also can better overcome the distraction of the foot to the surrounding area. , thereby supporting the vertical force of the foot, to achieve the purpose of enhancing support.
4. The shock absorption is good. Can effectively absorb the body's vertical pressure and the impact of hard ground, making you feel relaxed when walking. People walk on a weight-bearing basis and walk about 600 to 700 miles per foot. This means that for every kilometre of walking, one foot has to withstand 600 to 700 times of gravity impact. If the shoes do not have a good shock absorber system to relieve this impact, one day after a trip, one must feel tired. The good shock absorption not only can effectively absorb the vertical pressure of the human body, the strong bottom outsole can also effectively resist the impact of hard ground, so that you feel relaxed when walking. In addition, the tired feeling of walking is often caused by the impact of the ground on the brain. Good shock absorption can also reduce the vibration of the ground to the brain and greatly reduce the sense of fatigue.
5. Lightweight and good. Makes the wearer feel "foot and body," and walks easily. For every 1 gram of weight added to the shoe, the burden on the foot is equivalent to adding dozens of grams to the back of the person's back. Excessive outdoor shoes often allow the wearer to “walk†and “lift his feet†when he walks, often spraining his ankle because he can't walk freely.
6. Waterproofing is good. Outdoors, hikers often encounter rain, brooks, glaciers or muddy puddles. If the shoes get into the water, wet feet can easily slip, blisters, and become cold. Especially in cold conditions, wet shoes freeze hard overnight, and wet shoes become heavier: Each additional weight on the shoe equals a five-point increase in weight. Therefore, if you walk in the rainy season or on muddy roads, outdoor shoes with waterproof performance are necessary.
Outdoor shoes comfort is the last word>