The waxing of jade is that after the jade is polished, the surface of the enamel is slightly heated, and the paraffin is melted to the surface of the jade. After the paraffin is cooled, the paraffin remaining on the surface of the jade is removed with a soft cloth. Jade waxing is recognized in the jade industry and national jewellery standards, and is an optimization of the jade surface, not a jade treatment. Not all jadeites are waxed. The jadeite with good water and high density can be waxed if it is done in engraving and polishing. The water is good and the density is high, but the jade that is not engraved and polished needs to be waxed to make up for the defects. And those kinds of water are not good enough, and the jadeite with low density is generally sold on the counter after waxing. Why do you want to wax the jade? 1. The main purpose of waxing is to give a layer of protection to the jade. Waxing can act as a touch-up and smooth jade surface for improved gloss and clarity. It also prevents dust and oil from entering. 2. The general jade will have flaws. The "succulent" of the jade will have small holes and small cracks. The waxing can fill and cover the surface of the jade and the internal cracks, making it "perfect". High-quality jade, few ticks, and few layers of wax attached. The relatively rough jade, like the porcelain bottom, the gray bottom jade, the enamel is more, and there are more wax layers attached. Whether it is tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of jadeites are waxed, this is the rules of the line. There are two ways to wax: 1. Slightly heat the jade, spray the white wax powder, let the wax powder enter the gaps of the jade, and then wipe it with a felt to let the wax evenly wrap the surface of the jade. 2. Soak the jade in the melted liquid paraffin. The principle of the two methods is the same. If there is a crack in the jade soaked in the wax, the wax will penetrate into it, making the jade more beautiful! However, there are also drawbacks. After using this kind of jade for a period of time, the paraffin in the jade slowly evaporates and disappears, and the crack appears, and the gloss brightness is not as good as before. In particular, the jade quality is not good. When the jade is heated, cracks occur when the jade is heated. The jade quality is relatively small. Some of the friends will say that it is very unreasonable to take it back and cook it. Because unless the jade itself is cracked, the merchant knows it, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the merchant to return it to you, which is not worth the loss. In order to avoid this situation, only pay attention to purchase and communication. Textile Fabric,Traditional Fabric,Kashmir Fabric,Classical Fabric Wujiang wanwangTextile Co.Ltd ,
Why is jade waxing?>
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