Nestlé Becomes the World's Largest Ice Cream Maker

Nestlé Becomes the World's Largest Ice Cream Maker

Nestlé Becomes the World's Largest Ice Cream Maker

The world's leading food manufacturer Swiss Nestle announced on the 19th that it had officially completed the acquisition of an American ice cream maker. Industry sources pointed out that Nestle has become the world's largest ice cream maker.

According to data provided by AC Nielsen, Nestle’s share in the US ice cream market soared by 23% after the completion of the full acquisition of DREYER'S in the United States, and its global market share reached approximately 18%, surpassing that of its major rival Unilever. .

Analysts pointed out that Nestle's rapid expansion in recent years, acquisitions are frequent. Prior to the acquisition of US peers, Nestlé had already bought ice cream makers in Switzerland, Germany and Greece. Some people joked that Nestle Chairman and CEO Baltimore used to be an ice cream distributor and is now the first person in the global ice cream industry with an annual scale of about $46 billion.

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