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How to look around the cape These encirclement quickly learn it!>
Did you envy other people wearing the shawl fashion have Fan children? Did you also see some people shawl shape frustrated? So you hesitate, in the end or not to start a shawl it? In fact, want to create a shawl styling is not difficult, you only need to learn the following shawl circumference just fine! When you put wide and big shawl like a coat draped, not only warm, but also range! But with good pants is also the key. If your shawl is not big enough to coat as a coat, then put it on your shoulders like this, and tie a belt again! Do not be blindfolded by this print, in fact, this is a step beyond the just Wai method - After riding on your shoulders, pick one of the horns, and then ride on the other shoulder. This encirclement is another step more than before. It is also very simple, just take the corner on the other side of your shoulders, and finish it a little.
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