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Yoga is good? The benefits of practicing yoga>
The following is the benefits of yoga, patience, yoga takes time to show results. Within a few weeks, you will feel more calm than before, with more concentration. A few months later, the rejuvenation of organs and glands will begin. First, increased vitality, yoga around the brain and gland role. Second, the appearance and mood of young: Yoga to reduce facial wrinkles, resulting in a natural "skin" effect. This is mainly due to the inversion. Our usual upright position has prompted gravity to pull the muscles down. Over time, facial muscles appear to collapse. Inverted for a few minutes a day, we are able to reverse the force of gravity and make it our spring rejuvenation so that the facial muscles will not relax. It will reduce the wrinkles and the skin naturally leveled off. Yoga inverted position often can make gray hair restore its original color, and slow gray hair phenomenon. This is because the inversion causes an increase in the amount of blood flowing into the scalp. This position makes the Ministry of flexibility to increase, remove the strength of blood vessels and nerves pressure, making more blood flow to the scalp muscles. That is, the hair follicles get more nutrition and produce richer, healthier hair. Third, live longer: Yoga affects all conditions of longevity: the brain, glands, spine and internal organs. Fourth, increase disease resistance: Yoga exercise out of a strong physique, immune services also increased. This increased resistance can deal with all kinds of serious illnesses such as cancer from a cold. Fifth, improve vision and hearing: normal vision and hearing mainly rely on the eyes and ears to get a good blood circulation and nerve transmission. The nerves and blood vessels that supply the eyes and ears must pass through the neck. As you grow older, your neck loses its elasticity just as any other part of the spine. Nerves and blood vessels may encounter a dilemma when they cross the neck. This disrupts the supply of nerves and blood to the eyes and ears, thus affecting their functioning. Yoga position and yoga neck movement can improve the neck condition, thereby enhancing vision and hearing. Sixth, the improvement of mental and emotional: As yoga makes the glandular nervous system, including the brain, produce rejuvenation effect, mental and emotional will naturally appear positive. It gives you more confidence, enthusiasm, and optimism. Everyday life will become more creative.