Urban sculpture has a heavy historical mission

Urban sculpture has a heavy historical mission

Urban sculpture originated in the West and has a very long history. Whether in ancient Greece, ancient Rome, during the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, until the present, urban sculpture is a beautiful landscape in the streets of the West. Due to the long-lasting nature of sculpture materials, they have been able to remain in the contemporary for thousands of years, passing on the long history of the city and the profound urban heritage to the children and grandchildren. The connection between urban sculpture and China was still in the early part of the last century. According to Liu Xin, a national-level dancer and sculptor, the Western invaders came to Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other coastal cities to erect some sculptures in the rental area. . China’s “urban sculpture” was born in the history of such suffering.

After the founding of New China, all aspects have been greatly developed. Many art forms at the time were influenced by the Soviet Union. Until the 1980s and 1990s, the real urban sculpture was widely developed in China. The ever-increasing pace of opening up and the rapid development of urbanization have made urban sculptures springing up on the land of China. A series of eye-catching works such as Shenzhen “Opening Wasteland”, Zhuhai “Zhuhai Fisher Girl” and Lanzhou “Yellow River Mother” were born. As one of the frontiers of national development, Tianjin has a unique concession culture, and has also produced iconic urban sculptures such as “Tianjin Earthquake Monument”, “Mei Shi Jin Tang Bridge” and “Century Bell”, to Tianjin citizens, the whole country and the world. Interpretation of Tianjin's history and culture and urban spirit.

Liu Xin said that representative urban sculptures should be sculptures that reflect the historical development of the city, express the city, the national spirit of the country, and have a heavy and contemporary sense. Urban sculptures must be atmospheric and inclusive, reflecting the spiritual culture of the city, while at the same time expressing the expectations and prospects of urban people for future development. An excellent urban sculpture is eternal, able to pass on the historical features of an era, so that future generations can read the spiritual wealth left by their predecessors from them. Like the "Tianjin Earthquake Monument", the implied side has the support of all sides, the unity is the meaning of power, and the urban spirit of perseverance and hardship, together with the historical feat of Tianjin's fight against the "Tangshan Earthquake", vividly In front of people. These spiritual wealth will also exist and circulate with the sculpture itself.

For more information about bronze sculptures and bronze Buddha statues, please pay attention to China Copper Sculpture Industry Network http://

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