Underwear dry goods 丨 big breasts sister how to choose underwear

Underwear dry goods 丨 big breasts sister how to choose underwear

Just over 2016, the drama "Guilty" really a fire, the play as a guilty actor Zhang Yishan burst into red at the same time, often shouting "big boobs sister" is also becoming popular, one of the concerns of the audience is, How big is chest?


Blink of an eye came to 2017, however, many big-bodied girl New Year's desire to become more beautiful at the same time want to reduce their bust. The face of all kinds of partners questioned, "What a big chest so satisfied?" The big eyes of white-haired girls really want to turn to heaven! Because they can not understand the anguish they have big breasts ~
So big breasts sister paper how to choose underwear ?

Large breasts MM Bra underwear should be purchased in solid color-based

For example, the color of the bra close to the skin color, can be worn throughout the year, even if the summer wear thin clothes will not be too obvious, to avoid pointing others. If you have a black underwear, wearing a halter shirt when not afraid of exposing the shoulder strap, but also to wear a tight underwear inside.


Bra straps should be wide enough to avoid oppression of the breasts

Breast size bra straps are also very important to buy the width of the shoulder strap is best to shrink to the length of the chest lift, straps thick enough to be rough enough, at least 1 cm, or your shoulders will be very Discomfort.


Avoid buying embroidered or too fancy bras

Embroidered bra is indeed very beautiful, but this bra is not suitable for large breast mm, thin clothes, uneven bra will make people feel bigger than the original to cause more unnecessary attention, so that the upper body and shape are Not good-looking


Bra should choose to choose bra bra or more than 3/4

Half a cup of bra looks very sexy, but for the big chest mm, it is best to use 3/4 or more cups, conservative period, safety first.


Do not choose to choose a transparent bra to replace the shoulder strap

Transparent interchangeable shoulder strap is not suitable for large breast mm, because the transparent shoulder strap can not afford to drag the breast, but will lead to the shoulder strap to the skin has been damaged.


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