The jade itself was endowed with the spirituality of the gods of heaven and earth, "to make six things with jade, to the four sides of the heavens and the earth." People often use "Jinsheng Yuzhen" to describe the sound is crisp and sweet. Jade, delicate and firm, warm and zeal, is a symbol of good morality and noble status. "The gentleman is better than the jade" and "the gentleman has no reason to go to the body." The collision of the jade can give a wonderful music, so the ancestors made it into a decorative object, and the ritual heart was born. The jade itself was endowed with the spirituality of the gods of heaven and earth. "The jade is used as a six-piece, and the heavens and the earth are square," and the jade is represented by it. This jade is a product of the Neolithic Longshan culture and was unearthed in Tengzhou, Shandong. The jade is warm and the workmanship is fine. The geometric shape is very dynamic, harmonious and rhythmic. The so-called jade, also known as the gums, is a unique ritual instrument in ancient Shandong. There are three teeth flying in the same direction on the outer edge, the spacing is equal, and some have small teeth with the same shape, flat body and round center. hole. Because it looks like a windmill, it has long been considered as a jade carving instrument for the emperor to observe the sky. However, some experts now conclude that Yuxi is only a kind of jade, used for decoration, and may also have religious and ritual uses, but it is not used to observe the sky. The ancient ancestors realized very early that jade can not only psychic, but also protect the soul of the people, thus creating the custom of burial with jade. The ancestors believed that the birds could communicate with the heavens and the earth and put the jade birds into the tomb. It is hoped that the birds can take the soul of the tomb master and ascend into the fairyland; and the turtle is a symbol of longevity, buried with turtles to pray for the eternal life of the deceased; jade Funeral, on behalf of people, hopes that the deceased will be like a beggar, and will be born again in the underground for several years. In fact, China's jade culture has a long history. From the discovery of Li culture jade 8000 years ago, the Dawenkou Longshan culture in the Yellow River Basin has formed the Haiyan ancient jade system, and the Liangzhu culture in the Yangtze River Valley has reached the prehistoric jade. The peak of the jade. Tops are an absolute quintessential part of your daily ensemble! That s why it s so important you choose something that express your style perfectly. Shaoxing Yidie Garment Co.,Ltd ,
The beauty of jade: the spirituality of the god of heaven>