Jade with the people will play, it will become more lustrous and oily, therefore, not only need to buy jade when you need skills, Panyu is also a learning, good jade, can make your beloved jade "rejuvenate". So how do we get to the jade? The following small series will introduce the way of Panyu's several kinds of jade, for your reference: First of all, it is the literary disk; the essay is to put the jade in the close-fitting bag, and moisturize the jade with the temperature and humidity of the human body. It is often necessary to put it on for a year before you can play with Capricorn. The advantage of this method is that the plate jade means gentle, and the jade is not damaged. But the downside is that it is necessary to restore the jade to a lustrous, delicate and time-consuming process, often for a few years. Secondly, it is the martial art; Wupan is to invite many people to play the jade jadeware without interruption, so that the jade can restore its original appearance in a very short time. This is relative to the literary play, which is slightly "barbaric." The advantage of this method is that the jade can be lubricated in a short time; the disadvantage is that the risk is too small, and the jade may be damaged. In the past generations, merchants used this method more. Finally, it is the intentional disk; the intentional disk means that while the body is playing jade, the spirit also thinks about the sacredness, benevolence and other virtues of the jade. People absorb the virtues from the jade, and the jade is also moistened from the human spirit to reach the human jade. Spiritual double sublimation. This kind of jade means is not something that ordinary people can do, but those who have high moral character and deep line of talents. Companies have been racing against time to bring anti-viral technology to market.
will opt for products whose characteristics reflect a sense of security.
The population goes into Survival mode so consumer preferences
The masks themselves
do not provide enough
protection and should be taken
other precautions as well
important, mainly
good hand hygiene,
the use of disinfectant and
safety distance.
How to play jade>
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