How to clean the washing powder washing underwear unhygienic

How to clean the washing powder washing underwear unhygienic

Women's most personal clothing is underwear, underwear can not only be able to make a woman more sexy, then you know how to clean underwear in everyday life? What to clean underwear? Xiaobian today to introduce you to women's underwear The cleaning method, take a look at it. Can not wash underwear with washing powder With the accelerated pace of life, and now people seem to be more and more lazy, washing underwear must use a special small washing machine. Many people in the laundry, will be the habit of choosing detergent. In fact, machine wash personal clothing, washing powder irritating too strong, the best choice soap powder. Soap powder is a powdered soap washing product. Soap decontamination principle with the same soap, physical, natural, low stimulation, at the same time, it also retains a good soap detergency. Moreover, the natural decontamination active ingredient added in the soap powder can also protect the fabric, and the washed clothes can be fluffy and soft without using a softener, thus solving the problems of fabric dirt accumulation, hardening and static electricity after being washed for many times, and the effect ratio Washing powder better. In addition, soap foam generated foam, machine wash more easily rinse, to avoid residual material to stimulate the skin, but also saves water, can serve two purposes. Of course, the daily use of detergents, but also should be based on the nature of clothing choose the right detergent. General natural soap powder is more suitable for washing body clothing, baby clothes and diapers, etc., washing liquid is more suitable for washing soft clothing, washing powder is more suitable for cleaning jeans, thick coat and curtains, sofa cover and so on. Small detail when washing clothes Some people are washing clothes, to save water, usually first wash underwear, and then wash the coat, wash socks and other debris, a wash in the end, dirty and dark. Although this ensures that part of the clothes clean, but the final washing clothes pollution is very serious. In particular, socks and women's underwear shuffle more harmful, can cause female genital diseases. Some people to save time and convenience of the map, all the replaced clothes into the washing machine together in the washing, mixing in the washing machine, the friction process, the clothes on the bacteria, color, falling fibers, inevitably mutual pollution. Get dry cleaners laundry more complicated, healthy people, patients, and perhaps infectious disease patients. Some unscrupulous businessmen for profit and cut corners, eliminating the need for disinfection process, can also lead to disease transmission. There are a lot of people in some washing machines never clear, as long as you can turn it to wash, the drainage walls were filled with cloth debris and dirt, breeding a lot of viruses, bacteria. The dirt and bacteria in the laundry process can contaminate the clothes. Many people think clothes are dirty, or think detergent is cheap, often overuse detergent, however, rinse time is not enough, clothes often residual detergent. Most of the detergents are alkyl benzene compounds, the skin has some irritation, but also affect liver function. Dry cleaning detergent used mostly tetrachlorethylene, gasoline, etc., is also harmful to human health. According to normal regulations, dry clothes after drying for some time, and so on after these chemical agents evaporate before they can wear. In order to prevent cross-contamination in the laundry process damage to human health, each person's clothes are best to be washed separately, at least the children, adults separate the clothes washed; healthy, the patient's clothes washed separately; underwear, coat washed separately; not too Dirty clothes, dirty clothes wash separately. Bra, underwear, socks is best to use hand wash alone; do not put too much detergent when washing, to rinse several times, especially underwear should be so; dry clothes to get back to fully dry, and other chemical agents completely volatile After wear; washing machine should always be cleaned and disinfected. Do not try before buying underwear to buy a lot of women do not try to buy bra before the habit, especially the MM online shopping habits, to see the right price from the Internet to buy directly to wear. Long-term wear too tight bras, will affect the local blood and lymph circulation; and too loose underwear causes the chest sagging. Underwear designers to remind the majority of women, when buying bra must try more. The current market a lot of types of bras, according to their body shape, fat and thin, seasonal and breast development to choose. Summary: From the above article we can see that underwear is a woman's most personal clothing, is very important to women's health, so in the process of cleaning a woman's underwear to pay attention to methods, so that women can be assured of wearing underwear, Show yourself sexy.

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