Many people know flax material is good, but in the end what is the advantage of flax material, but few people make it clear that the benefits of wearing linen clothes are also many. Flax clothes have a good health care function on the human body and therefore have been hit by international and domestic market More and more consumers of all ages. To sum up, the advantages of linen clothes are the following: Advantages of linen clothes 1, linen clothes have a strong moisture absorption and dissipation capacity. During the damp rainy season, indoor wallcovering, tablecloths, curtains and bed linen can be replaced with linen to effectively dampen indoor moisture. In the dry autumn and winter seasons, if you use linen fabric, the interior will not be too dry. Linen fabric to maintain a relatively constant air humidity good effect. Advantages of linen clothes 2, linen clothes have disease prevention. Linen clothes, high strength, good corrosion resistance, and easy to sweat and wet, it is conducive to prevent the occurrence of some skin diseases, such as rash, itchy skin. In addition, linen clothes compared with cotton fabric, linen clothes are wet spinning, there is no dry spinning burr phenomenon, personal wear no prickle. So in the hot summer, linen clothes is the ideal choice. Advantages of linen clothes 3, linen clothes is not easy to bring static electricity and dust. Linen is used in some hospitals and nursing homes for mattresses and surgical gowns. The advantages of linen clothes 4, linen clothes can effectively reduce the harmful effects of magnetic fields on the human body. It has been reported that staff members in the Antarctic expedition are physically susceptible to the strong magnetic field while those who wear linen clothes and flax tents at the same time are in good physical condition with very little impact. First, cool Flax has five times more heat dissipation than wool and 19 times more silk. In hot weather, wearing linen clothing can make skin surfaces 3-4 degrees Celsius cooler than wearing silk and cotton-based clothing. Second, dry Linen absorbs moisture equivalent to 20% of its own weight, while quickly absorbing absorbed moisture and leaving more sweat to stay dry. Third, reduce perspiration Helps maintain the body's electrolyte balance. Research shows that flax garments can reduce the body's perspiration by 1.5 times as much as wearing cotton garments. Fourth, radiation protection Put on a linen texture pants can greatly reduce the radiation effects, such as radiation caused by the decline in the number of male sperm. Fifth, anti-static Blended fabric contains only 10% linen is enough to play the role of anti-static. Can effectively reduce the people in the electrostatic environment caused by restlessness, headache, chest tightness, difficulty breathing. Six, inhibit bacteria Flax has good bacteriostatic and fungistatic effects and can effectively prevent some diseases. According to studies by Japanese researchers, linen sheets can prevent bedsores in long-term bedridden patients and linen garments can help prevent and treat certain skin types such as common rash and chronic eczema. Seven, anti-allergy Flaxsemistry is undoubtedly a boon to people with skin allergies because linen does not cause allergic reactions but instead helps treat some allergic diseases. Flaxseed can reduce inflammation and prevent fever. With the trend of return to nature and the rise of the concept of life that advocates the natural, all kinds of linen products, such as hand-woven soil cloth, linen cloth and linen-based linen, which has always been considered as a dilemma, are gradually receiving more and more Fashion people of all ages. China Glass Unicorn Ornament ,Glass Christmas Unicorn Ornament,Animal Unicorn Glass Ornaments Manufacturer,China leading manufacturers and suppliers of Glass Unicorn Ornament,Glass Christmas Unicorn Ornament, and we are specialize in Animal Unicorn Glass Ornaments,Cheap Glass Unicorn Ornaments, etc. Glass Unicorn Ornament,Glass Christmas Unicorn Ornament,Animal Unicorn Glass Ornaments,Cheap Glass Unicorn Ornaments Yangzhou Artdragon Decorations Co., Ltd. ,
Background to tell you linen fabric is good>